Today I had a very interesting conversation with a
manager who is doing an internal journal club discussion on athletics in
people living with type 1 diabetes and how this condition does not
limit athletes from achieving greatness. Obviously,
this is a topic near and dear to me as I am constantly thinking about
my diabetes as I play squash on a highly competitive division 1 team.
And after 18 years, I am still going through trial and error situations,
testing the waters, seeing what works and what
doesn’t for me to be able to perform at my peak without worrying about
low or high blood sugars.
I found it interesting he was deciding to use 2
swimmers with diabetes who had won many gold medals at the Olympics in
his argument about type 1 diabetes and athletics. However, these 2
athletes were diagnosed with their diabetes while
they were already at the top of their sport, something unique and
different to me where my squash skills grew with my diabetes. His basic
argument is that diabetes should not limit athletes at all. I agree with
him- it shouldn’t. I’ve met athletes at the top
of their sport as well with diabetes, and even a man who has climbed
Everest and ran grueling marathons in the Sahara, and yet I felt
frustrated after our meeting. And I choose to live my life with the
mindset that diabetes won’t come in the way. Probably
I was frustrated because my whole life isn’t dedicated to squash and
diabetes management, therefore I can’t cookie cut and have the power to
manipulate my life like these athletes can. I think I felt defensive to
his argument because in some respects I believe,
diabetes HAS limited me and my athletic ability. When I think of the
reality, sometimes my diabetes does take precedent in my life. I can
think of multiple squash matches that I would love to have back and
prepare my blood sugars differently. Or for whatever
reason my blood sugars just weren’t cooperating with me that day and it
wasn’t something I did incorrectly. Or my coach at the last second
sprung on me that we are running sprints before practice instead of
usually after. But, it’s ok. I’m still achieving
my goals, athletically, academically, and in life. I don’t know many
other chronic conditions that you can compete athletically at a high
collegiate level with, and this in itself is a huge accomplishment that
not many people are able to have in their lives.
A big portion of his talk is going to discuss
energy cycles, interactions with hormone levels, and how athletes with
diabetes go through trial and error situations to learn more about how
their body reacts to different levels intensity
of exercise. Every time I exercise, I feel like I am going through
trial and error.
Did I give insulin at a different time today? Did I try a new granola
bar? How about lowering my basal dose while sitting in lecture? Did I
leave 10 minutes early so I could walk to practice and not run and
preserve my blood sugar? Is this a normal practice
or challenge matches- is there stress and what will that do to me? Am I
sipping Gatorade or water? Do I even have enough juice and snacks in
the locker, I can’t remember? Did I immediately add back all my insulin
right after? How about dinner- did I stick
to salad or have some pasta tonight? ….just an idea of the
filtering system of questions that I think about every day. I think that
the take away message is that these big time athletes have found the
perfect equation for them in terms of how they set
up their body not only just in general, but their “diabetes body”. They
have to- they can’t afford to perform with low or high blood sugars. I
still feel like I am finding my equation, and instead of getting upset
with myself about that, I realize that this
is ok. My life at college is constantly changing, it’s not “cookie
cutter” like these professional athletes. I’ve also had diabetes my
whole life and sometimes it’s hard to change your routine when you think
that is the best you can do because it’s the only
option you know. My conversation with this manager reminded and
encouraged me to keep experimenting now, during my off season, to
perfect my diabetes management with athletics, and showed me that if I
continue to work hard at managing it well, I can work
to cut out those instances when I’m playing at 300 or dropping fast
from 100 doing court sprints. I have a hard time putting into words what
it feels like to be playing squash at 350 to others and it’s
frustrating when the months and months of training to
get in peak fitness shape can’t even be utilized because your head is
in your blood sugars and you’re so thirsty from the high sugar that you
can’t even think about what shot you are going to hit next. Or when you
think you are crashing on court and all you
can think about is getting off court to chug Gatorade and honey to stop
feeling heavy and tingly on court and start refocusing on beating your
opponent. This mental tug of war contest is the limitation of diabetes
that I work to eliminate everyday so I can
enter the court just like all of my teammates and opponents do.
Finally, I tried to enforce in my conversation with
the manager about the advantages these athletes have over other
athletes because of their diabetes. Often, people don’t think of this,
and I wanted him to be aware. Often the discipline,
maturity, forced knowledge on health and nutrition, and the ability to
push through adversity outweigh the limitations that diabetes can cause
athletically. Although these are intangible advantages and often hard to
describe as well, but I have seen the benefits
from them and am confident that I have achieved my goal of playing
collegiate squash due in part to living with type 1, and for that I am
strangely thankful.
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